Monday, December 23, 2013

Meet Assistant Quartermaster Don Scott

Don Scott, a Scouter in the Muskogee District, is a member of the Gilwell Troop 1 Quartermaster Corps and serving as an assistant quartermaster. He is also active volunteer at the unit, district, and council levels.

Don’s involvement in Scouting has spanned more than 20 years, during which time he earned the rank of Eagle Scout. A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he the LDS representative on the district's Religious Committee, and assistant scoutmaster for Troop 205, chartered by the LDS-Rivercrest District. He also serves as a member of the district’s Eagle Board. He is currently a member of the council's Camping Committee and a past COPE high-adventure director. His past involvement has included service in our council and others as scoutmaster, assistant scoutmaster, Order of the Arrow ordeal master, and unit commissioner. He has received religious emblems and the Order of the Arrow’s Brotherhood membership.

A member of Chattahoochee Council’s 2004 Wood Badge Course SR-593’s Fox Patrol, Don is staffing a Wood Badge course for the first time. He brings his extensive experience as a trained leader, staffer, and trainer for a variety of events and programs, including high-adventure director, camp commissioner, camp medic, two-time National Camp School graduate, and Scouting University staffer.

Professionally, Don and his son own and operate a landscaping business, but he is also a GIA-certified diamondologist and gemologist and in the past has managed several jewelry retailers over a 20-year period.

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