Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bobwhites make most of first course weekend

The Bobwhite Patrol had a great first few days at Wood Badge. Our patrol has grown together and is seeking to have fun as we go through the program. The whistled call of the Bobwhite can be heard throughout Gilwell.

S9-91-14 Bobwhite Patrol

On Saturday of the first course weekend, the Bobwhites finished its patrol flag, planned our campfire skit for the second course weekend, and built a great rocket. In addition, we took our turn as the service patrol and worked to keep clean our living and eating spaces. On a disturbing note, despite our efforts to protect our service patrol shovel, the little rascal decided to walk off some time in the night. Happily though, it found it way home before we had to pass it to the Eagles on Sunday.

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