Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekend 1 Photos and Gazettes online

Want to relive the excitement of Course Weekend 1 of Wood Badge Course S9-91-14? Visit the course's online photo album at

Photos are organized by day, and we invite you to download and share the memories with past Wood Badgers and other Scouts and Scouters. These will be available online beyond the end of Course Weekend 2 for you to access and enjoy.

In addition, the print editions of the Gilwell Gazette are on the "Gilwell Gazette" tab of the course website:

We look forward to sharing your patrol news between course weekends, and the success our participants have following the course in completing their tickets and earning their beads! To submit a news item, email the scribes at:

Stay on top of all the new posts to the Gilwell e-Gazette blog by subscribing for updates delivered directly to your email inbox by entering your email address in the Follow by Email field in the right-hand column of the screen.

Yours in Scouting,
The Scribes of S9-91-14

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