Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April showers bring health lodge flowers

Some of the plant life that will soon
adorn the grounds of the
Camp Lumpkin health lodge.
It's been a wet April so far, but we're hoping with damp soil and the dry, sunny weekend that appears to be in store for our second course weekend, the participants and staff of Wood Badge Course S9-91-14 can bring some landscaping beauty to Camp Lumpkin. As a service and conservation project, the second course weekend will include landscaping and beautifying the grounds outside the Camp Lumpkin health lodge. This will not only make the camp's main gathering area more attractive, but permanent landscaping will also minimize issues of possible soil erosion and rain water puddling around the building.

Conservation and service projects are a long-standing Wood Badge course tradition. They provide an opportunity for the course itself to serve the council and its camping facilities, while at the same time providing participants the opportunity to apply leadership and team-building knowledge, and to put into practice the principles of the Outdoor Code. It also demonstrates how a little sweat equity can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and the chance for greater fellowship through teamwork — and how easily incorporating such an effort into units' outdoor activities can be.

Participants and staff are reminded to bring work gloves and tools such as rakes, shovels and other gardening/landscaping equipment. All items should be clearly marked so they can be easily returned to their respective owners.

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