Thursday, April 17, 2014

Relive the memories of S9-91-14

Already missing your Wood Badge friends? Doodling your patrol totem during that boring work meeting? Did you wake up this morning thinking you and your patrol were the service patrol and late for the Gilwell Assembly?

There are many ways you can relive the moments of Wood Badge Course S9-91-14:

Picasa Photo Album

All the photos have been uploaded, and you can view, download, comment on, and share every course photo from our online photo album at You'll notice some of your fellow Wood Badgers have already commented on many of the photos, so add your memories to these as well.

Gilwell Gazettes

If you missed a copy of the printed Gazette, or just want to archive copies, download every edition of the course newsletter from the course website at


Like our page at, where you can share your favorite memories and post your favorite pictures. Already posted photos from the course? Then go back and tag the course Facebook page so they become part of our Facebook photo archive. 


If you requested a DVD, the photos and electronic versions of the Gilwell Gazette will be included. Those DVDs will be distributed over the next week. If you have questions about any of the electronic resources of DVD, please contact Course Scribe Michael Tullier at

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