Monday, October 21, 2013

Back to Gilwell

More than 20 Chattahoochee Council's adult volunteer leaders gathered on the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 20 to start planning for the council's next Wood Badge course. The course will follow the contemporary method of naming courses, making it S9-91-14 -- the 2014 course in the Southern Region Area 9's Chattahoochee Council (council no. 91).

Course Director Tom Lytle opens the initial staff training by outlining
how the course will operate and the expectations of staff.

The course will occur over two weekends at Camp Lumpkin in the spring of 2014: March 7-9 and April 11-13. Additional participant activities will include a pre-course orientation on Feb. 1 and a ticket workshop between course weekends on March 29. More information about course activities, as well as registration information and Wood Badge background, is available on the course website at:

While the full complement of course staff includes more than 25 adult leaders, the course's leadership team includes:
  • Course Director: Tom Lytle, Muskogee District
  • Senior Patrol Leader: Mark Scott, Yellow Jacket District
  • Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop Guides: Andrew Baird, Saugahatchee District
  • Lead Troop Guide, Jody Sellers, Muskogee District
  • Assistant Scoutmaster for Program: Debbi Lytle, Muskogee District
  • Troop Scribe, Michael Tullier, Saugahatchee District
  • Assistant Scoutmaster for Facilities: Bill Whealton, Muskogee District
  • Troop Quartermaster, James Pierce, Saugahatchee District
While a traditional, printed editions of the Gilwell Gazette will provide participants with information during the two course weekends, the Gilwell e-Gazette will serve to update participants of relevant news and information before and after the course. So, come back often to see how the course is shaping up!

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