Lisa has been an adult Scouting volunteer for 13 years, during which time she has served in unit, district and council positions. At the unit level, in addition to her current roles, she has been a Webelos den leader and assistant scoutmaster. In the past, she has served on the Saugahatchee District Committee as both its training chair and membership chair. She has also served the council as its vice president for program. As a result of those experiences, she has received several training- and service-related awards — most notable among those are the District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver Award, Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor membership, and council’s Gilwell Award.

Professionally, Lisa serves as director of planning and economic development for the Lee-Russell Council of Governments. With her husband Todd, a scoutmaster and crew adviser who is also an active Scouter in council and Wood Badge programs, she has one daughter who currently in Girl Scouts, and an adult step-daughter.
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