Friday, March 21, 2014

Saugahatchee Beavers receive District Awards of Merit

As part of its annual district banquet on March 13, Saugahatchee District honored a pair of Wood Badge Beavers by awarding them the District Award of Merit.

Wood Badgers Michael Tullier (left) and Joel Moore (right) receive
the District Award of Merit from Saugahatchee District.

S9-91-14 Beaver Patrol member Joel Moore currently serves as the troop committee chair for Troop 371, chartered by Lakeview Baptist Church, and vice president for program on Chattahoochee Council’s Executive Board. An Eagle Scout, he began his adult volunteer service 20 years ago by helping to establish both Pack 371 and Troop 371. His progressive duties on the Saugahatchee District Committee, which began as membership chair, led to serving two terms as district chair. Through his leadership as chair, he strengthened and expanded a variety of existing district events as well as added additional ones; established the district’s Eagle Coach program; and expanded district communications. In 2013, under his leadership, Saugahatchee District was the only JTE gold-level district in the council. Over time, his volunteer service has included Webelos den leader, cubmaster, assistant scoutmaster and scoutmaster. In 2013, he attended the National Scout Jamboree as third assistant scoutmaster for the Chattahoochee Council contingent. He is also a recipient of the Good Shepherd religious emblem.

Staffer and SR-1078 Beaver Michael Tullier currently serves as the chartered organization representative for both Auburn United Methodist Church, which charters both Pack 29 and Troop 29, and the Auburn Rotary Club, which charters Troop 50. He is also currently the district’s public relations chair, previously served as district training chair, and frequently supports district-level fundraising through both Friends of Scouting and the Distinguished Citizens Award Dinner. An Eagle Scout, his 20 years of volunteer service has included unit- and district-level service in two councils in his native Louisiana in addition to the Chattahoochee Council. In his current role, he implemented the district’s monthly “District Digest” e-newsletter and has leveraged traditional, social and electronic media to keep volunteers, Scout families, and the community better informed of Scouting efforts in the district. Previously, he has served in unit-level capacities that include cubmaster, assistant scoutmaster, and troop chaplain. He is the recipient of the Order of the Arrow’s Vigil Honor membership and youth Founders’ Award, as well as Saugahatchee District’s Boy Scout Leader of the Year, and the God and Service Protestant religious emblem.


  1. Congratulations to each of you. Thank you for the hard work you put into Scouting.

    1. Thanks, Edward. It was an honor to receive this award with Joel, who has been as much a visionary in our district and part of the inspiration of our communications efforts the past several years.
