Michael joined Scouting in 1979 as a Cub Scout in the Attakapas Council (Alexandria, La.) and eventually earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1989. A survivor of the 1985 National Scout Jamboree’s Hurricane Bob, he solidified his long-standing involvement in the Order of the Arrow by attending the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) the next year. Smitten by the allure of “urban camping” in college dorms, he attended the next three NOACs in 1988, 1990 and 1992 — the latter as a member of the national vice chief’s conference staff. As a youth Arrowman, Michael held many elected lodge positions — including serving as Ouxouiga Lodge 264’s first three-term lodge chief — as well as several terms as a section secretary. In recognition of his service to the Order, Ouxouiga Lodge bestowed on him both Vigil Honor membership and its youth Founders’ Award. His 20 years of adult volunteer experience has included unit and district service in the Attakapas Council, Istrouma Area Council (Baton Rouge) and Chattahoochee Council. Currently, he serves as chartered organization representative for both Auburn United Methodist Church (which charters Pack 29 and Troop 29) and the Auburn Rotary Club (which sponsors Troop 50). He also currently serves as district public relations chair and co-chair of the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign. He was selected as Saugahatchee District’s 2011 Boy Scout Leader of the Year and earned the God and Service Protestant religious emblem in 2011.

Professionally, Michael is manager of development communications and marketing for Auburn University’s Office of Development. He and his wife Dianna have three children: Davis (a Life Scout in Troop 50), Sophie, and Jack (a Webelos II who will crossover from Pack 29 to Troop 50 this spring).
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