Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bobwhite's Bobyarchick 'gets happy' about completing ticket

Toni Sue Bobyarchick (second in line) is all smiles as the Bobwhites
complete the "Trolley" patrol activity during Day Four's
problem-solving round robin activities.
The first of the Bobwhites has left the nest, and the chirping of "come on, get happy!" now resonates throughout Gilwell Park! Toni Sue Bobyarchick, the fifth completed ticket from S9-91-14 to report here on our course blog, serves as an assistant scoutmaster for Saugahatchee District's Troop 218, chartered by Auburn/Opelika Lodge #1834 of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

Toni Sue's Wood Badge ticket items support her vision of continuing to grow Troop 218 in members and leaders, since the troop has no associated "feeder" Cub Scout pack; making Scouts safe by educating them about bullying/cyberbullying; and creating a greater sense of “unity community” by unifying the troop with exposure to other faiths and worship practices:
  • Goal 1: develop a troop recruitment program that can be implemented and used by future leaders
  • Goal 2: attend Outdoor Webelos Leader Skills (OWLS) training to help expand personal knowledge, ability and leadership skills, and to network with Webelos leaders as a way of recruiting potential troop members and leaders
  • Goal 3: staff Cub Scout resident camp as the resident camp nurse and network further with potential troop members and leaders
  • Goal 4: develop a presentation on bullying, specifically cyberbulling, that can be used by many groups inside and outside Scouting, and use that information to make a presentation that will also include handouts and a display board
  • Goal 5: develop an interfaith worship pamphlet for the troop's use to guide worship services on campouts and during other troop activities

Of those five ticket items, Toni Sue noted her first goal to develop a troop recruitment program was the most challenging: "My most challenging ticket item was developing a recruitment program, but I learned the most from this project," she said. "On Scout night, the boys visiting our troop enjoyed talking with and learning from our Boy Scouts. My twin boys enjoyed teaching knots and talking with our visitors. I could see the boys growing into leaders."

"Volunteering as camp nurse at Cub Scout resident camp was my most rewarding ticket item," Toni Sue said. "I was so motivated by all the enthusiasm of all the resident camp leaders and the young Scouts."

She credits her scoutmaster, Joe Higgins, as her source of support while working her ticket: "He was always giving support and encouraging me on. I know he will be proud," she said.

Toni Sue notes that while her ticket is complete, it's by no means finished.

"I will keep 'working my ticket' by continuing the recruitment program and 'duty to God' emphasis in our troop, teaching cyberbullying classes annually, and volunteering with OWLs training and resident camp," she said.

Toni Sue, one of five reported completed tickets announced to date, will receive her beads at the council's Jan. 3 Wood Badge Reunion. Other beadings will include the Beaver Patrol's Joel MooreEagle Patrol's Jeff AyersBear Patrol's James Ormsby, and the Buffalo Patrol's Terry Booton.

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