Friday, December 19, 2014

Hibernation ends with first completed Bear Patrol ticket

James Ormsby, the most-recent S9-91-14 participant to complete his ticket,
presents course staffer and fellow Bear Kevin Hicks with one
of his patrol's totems.
It may be nearing hibernation season for real-life bears, but the Bear Patrol of S9-91-14 is just coming out of hibernation with its first completed Wood Badge ticket — completed by James Ormsby, Webelos den leader for Pack 125, chartered by New Community Church in LaGrange. James' ticket items centered around his vision to to cultivate and prepare Webelos Scouts to crossover into a Boy Scout troop by making Scouting enjoyable and relatable to Scouts and ensuring that all boys have the ability to achieve all they wish to in Scouting:
  • Goal 1: serve on staff for a district or council Outdoor Webelos Leader Skills course by teaching a session on ropes and knot-tying
  • Goal 2: teach and assist with the Webelos Transitional Program in the Yellow Jacket District as a way of improving Webelos retention and crossover to Boy Scout troops
  • Goal 3: establish a fundraising program for Scouts who cannot afford to fully pay but who have a high interest in participating in high-adventure Scouting programs
  • Goal 4: establish a chaplain program for Troop 125, to include identifying a qualified and interested leader and providing a faith-based program for spiritual growth and development in both meeting and campout settings
  • Goal 5: mobilize Pack 125 Cub Scouts and Troop 125 Boy Scouts to establish and maintain a recycling program for New Community Church so there is increased recycling of disposed paper, aluminum and plastic items
James notes his ticket item assisting Scouts with raising and saving money for their high-adventure trips was the most challenging — from the perspective of developing the guidelines and documentation to track funds, as well as getting Scouts to think about long-term spending. He credits Chattahoochee Council Assistant Scout Executive Phillip Wright, who he worked with closely on the Webelos Transitional Program, and Troop Guide Krystal Tumlin's overall help, as essential to his success.

"My biggest supporter was Krystal, our troop guide," James said. "I did not want to let her down — she worked so hard to get us where we were, and I respect her for that. The only way I can repay her was by putting forth my best effort."

James plans to receive his beads at the Saturday, Jan. 3, 2015, Wood Badge reunion. To date, the beading will include him, Jeff Ayers, and Terry Booton.

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