With more than seven years of volunteer Scouting experience, Krystal has served as treasurer for Pack 356 for three years and Troop 356 for two years before assuming her current role as troop committee chair in 2012. She also currently serves as pack committee chair for Pack 356 and committee member for Venture Crew 15. In addition, she currently serves as a Saugahatchee District Eagle Scout project coach, Eagle board member, and merit badge counselor.

Professionally, Krystal is an accountant with the Lee County Board of Education. She is married to Danny, and together they have three kids: Erin, who is a freshman at Columbus State University; Nickolas, who is a Life Scout and senior patrol leader of Troop 356, and who will soon be starting his Eagle Scout project; and Brandon, a First Class Scout and webmaster for Troop 356.
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