Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Inaugural issue of Gilwell Gazette hits the press

Until now, the first-ever Gilwell e-Gazette has kept participants and staff apprised of course news, information and announcements. The first edition of the printed Gilwell Gazette course newsletter hits the press in time for this weekend's Course Orientation. While participants received a copy of the newsletter by email this evening, it and future editions will be also available for download from the course website and distributed during course weekends.

Participants and staff will be able to help course scribes write and share news through the Gilwell Gazette and Gilwell e-Gazette starting with the first course weekend.

In addition to the Gilwell Gazette and Gilwell e-Gazette, participants and staff can stay abreast of everything involving S9-91-14 by liking the course Facebook page at www.facebook.com/s99114.

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