Thursday, March 6, 2014

The calm amid the storm

Wood Badge S9-91-14 staffers assembled at Camp Lumpkin on the eve of the course's first weekend to prepare for the mass arrival of the course's 41 participants on Friday. Staffers spent the majority of the wet and rainy Thursday afternoon readying training facilities, reviewing daily schedules, and meeting in small groups to review plans specific to course functional areas.

First-time Wood Badge staffers pledged their commitment to the
success of the course as part of the pre-course Staff Beading Ceremony.

Staff concluded the evening with a Pre-Course Staff Beading Ceremony, where additional Wood Badge beads were awarded to the course director and first-time Wood Badge staffers. Those who attend Wood Badge and complete their tickets within 18 months of the conclusion of their course receive a pair of Wood Badge beads.

Krystal Tumlin, troop committee chair for Troop 356 and first-time
Wood Badge staffer, receives her third Wood Badge bead from
Course Director Tom Lytle.

When Scouters staff a Wood Badge or National Youth Leadership Training course, they receive an additional Wood Badge bead, bringing the total to three.

S9-91-14 Course Director Tom Lytle (center) receives his fourth
Wood Badge bead as course director from previous Chattahoochee Council
 Wood Badge course directors Lisa Sandt and Gary Bolen.

When a Scouter serves as a Wood Badge or NYLT course director, he or she receives a fourth Wood Badge bead.

For more photos from the staff beading ceremony, visit our online photo album.

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