Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Meet Head Quartermaster James Pierce

Leading Gilwell Troop 1’s Quartermaster Corps is Head Troop Quartermaster James Pierce of the Saugahatchee District. He is also an assistant scoutmaster, equipment coordinator and merit badge counselor for Troop 858, chartered by First Baptist Church in Opelika.

In addition to his six years of experience as a Scout, James has been an adult volunteer for six years. In addition to his current duties in Troop 858, he has served as pack/troop committee chair and den leader, which has led to several training and service awards. He recently completed Commissioner Basic Training, joined the Saugahatchee District Committee, and was inducted as an Ordeal Member of the Order of the Arrow's Chattahoochee Lodge 204.

James attended Chattahoochee Council Wood Badge Course S9-91-12 in 2012 and was a member of the Beaver Patrol. This is his first opportunity to serve on Wood Badge staff.

Professionally, James is a mechanical designer and machinist with Rexnord, as well as the owner of a mini-storage business. He and his wife Daffny have two children: a daughter Kaylee, and a son Jacob who is a First Class Scout on his way to earning the rank of Star in Troop 858.

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