Saturday, February 8, 2014

Staff completes final course planning meeting

Course staff (left to right) Krystal Tumlin, Todd Stephens, Kevin Hicks
and Kammy Gilmer rehearse one of the course activities that will
be part of upcoming course S9-91-14.

Wood Badge course staff gathered for the final time (and second consecutive Saturday) this weekend for a staff development meeting in preparation for course S9-91-14, which begins in just four short weeks on March 7. During the day-long program, staff ran through a dress rehearsal of the remaining presentations, games, and other course activities requiring a run-through to be ready for the arrival of participants at Camp Lumpkin next month. Staff members also reviewed the two-weekend course schedule and fine-tuned plans to ensure the action-packed itinerary will run like a well-oiled machine.

One problem the staff development revealed, however, is that even three more weekends of practice singing will be of no help to the staff. Hopefully, the course will include a number of participants who will have better luck than our staffers in carrying a tune!

We look forward to seeing everyone on March 7 as we head "back to Gilwell"!


  1. HA! I think the staffers have a "voice up" on the participants, but we will get it eventually...."Come on, Be Happy"~Bob White Patrol (woggle, woggle) :D

    1. Thankfully, staff (and participants) aren't selected based on their singing talents! If singing talent were a condition of completing your ticket, there weren't be many sets of beads floating around!
